Lessons in Shock, Part III

This series of posts, Lessons in Shock, is being written in response to life in a world defined by our experience with the coronavirus. However, this is not just about dealing with the threat of Covid-19. This moment, like any, needs our integrated knowledge to be put to use. And this moment, like any, is an opportunity to rise up, fueled by the raging fires of who we seek to be, rooted in the magma of our ongoing creational potential. This moment, if we make it so, is about choosing life. I’m choosing to write about shock because, in the world I see right now, shock is the biggest threat to that choice.

Shock and panic are intimately related, but separable.

Shock is the confrontation that Life is more varied than our brain accounts for.

Panic is a reaction to that confrontation.

Both are unavoidable- it’s the human condition. Our brains can only model reality based on our experience. Fear is a natural first response to the unknown.

What matters is what we do with that initial panic, our panic response time.

If we shut down, we live inside fear and the panic response time is extended. This is denial and creates a cycle of further shock (more confrontation with reality) and panic.

The solution is to engage. Make the unknown known. Take a deep breath and then another one – this is not a time to hold your breath!

Reduce your panic response time. Be willing to be in the world that is. No matter the conditions, being present is better than the alternatives.

You are needed now. Show up.

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